July 2014 Baugh – Bridgforth Reception Photos
On July 18, 2014, the Board of Directors of the Lunenburg Health Service, Inc. honored Dr. Baugh and Dr. Bridgforth for their service to the organization. No Health Service funds were used for the event. 100% of funds donated to Lunenburg Health Service supports Lunenburg residents. All costs for this reception were donated by Friends of the Lunenburg Health Service.
LHS Board of Directors (l – r from bottom): Glen Hutchinson, Dr. Mary Cabrera, Mitty Crymes, Jane Woolard, Ollie Wright, Bagley Hawthorne, Larry Roach, Cal Spencer, Randy Lail, Dr. Baugh, Dr. Bridgforth, Louie Overton, Arthur Townsend
Lunenburg Health Service/Community Memorial Hospital Wellness Program
1996 – LHS/CMH Wellness Program. Victoria-Lunenburg County Community Centre